Monday 8 July 2019

Baby Teething: Some tips for soothing them

Well, it may be hard to watch your child facing that uncomfortable and pain stage of getting teeth. Not every child feel uneasiness and difficulty if your baby is feeling pain or appears to have uneasiness, read on for our basic tips on the best way to calm a teething infant.
1. Give something chilled to chew on
To calm a child from the teething problem, refrigerator-friendly teething toys can be used. Refrigerator friendly toys are used because chilliness of the toy can reduce pain and de-sensitize the nerves. Just chill the teethers before giving them to children so that they chew and get relief. Do not fridge the teethers as they become hard and can hurt the baby’s teeth.
2. Massaging the Baby’s Gum
The sore little teeth can be massaged with our fingers to relief their pain. Clean your hands before massaging so as to prevent any infection and then massage in a circular motion of the gums. This will surely help the child.
3. Wipe saliva away
Teething leads to drooling in children so as to prevent the irritation, use a soft cloth to wipe the drool from time to time to keep them clean and dry.
4. Peaceful Environment and hugs
Love and care in the form of hugs from the mother can comfort the teething child. The sleep in the peaceful environment also helps in comforting him from pain.
5. Pain killers
This should be your final retreat in the event that you've attempted. Counsel your specialist before falling back taking drugs. Try not to purchase over-the-counter pharmaceutical items for this. Painkillers, for example, Ibuprofen have exceptional, weakened recipes made especially for kids and infants. Additionally, counsel your pediatrician/ dentist first before giving any meds to your little one.

Saturday 6 July 2019

Sugar Craving: Some Foods that help in preventing it

Sugar cravings are very common, and in fact, females craved more for the sugar as compared to males. Those experiencing a sugar desire feel a powerful urge to eat sweet and may realize it tough to manage them around food. This can cause intake or over-consuming calories. Luckily, there are belongings you will do to require the sting off.

Here are some foods which can assist you to fight your sugar cravings:
1. Dark chocolate: chocolate is the most common food that people used when they have sugar cravings. But they should go for a better option like dark chocolate because it has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which contain less sugar.  

 2. Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are rich in soluble fiber which readily absorbs water and swells up in the gut in the form of a jelly which gives the feeling of filled stomach and reduces the sugar cravings. Chia seeds are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.

3. Chewing Gums: To curb the hunger for sugar, sugar-free chewing gums are best. They are made up of artificial sweeteners but contain less sugar and curb the cravings.


4. Yogurt: It is a high protein healthy diet which has natural added sugar to prevent sugar craving.

5. Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes will offer you with a sweet style and should facilitate keep you feeling full thus you won’t expertise sugar cravings later within the day.

6. Whole Grains: They are rich in nutrients including vitamin B, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese. They are also high in fiber thus keeping us full.

These are not the only foods that help in curbing the sugary needs of an individual. People crave for sugar because it helps in releases endorphins that calm and relax us.

Thursday 4 July 2019

5 common dental emergencies and their first aid


When something wrong happens in our mouth, it is the worse feeling in the world. The person suffering from mouth problem got frustrated as he is unable to eat and chew anything and it’s really difficult to examine it yourself. Any dental emergency like an injury to teeth and gum bleeding can cause serious issues if not take the dentist’s help on time. One can help alleviate their symptoms with some at-home first aid remedies.

The common dental emergencies and their first aid can be:

1.  Tooth Injury: if any tooth injury occurs due to falling off or an accident, teeth may get loose. In this case, immediately consult the dentist. In the meantime, rinse the mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to the outside of your mouth to stop the bleeding.

2. Knocked out teeth: If any teeth get knocked out, always hold it with the crown part. Never pick it up by roots. Clean it to remove the dirt. Try to put it back into the socket, if it is possible. Otherwise, keep it in a container of milk to retain the moisture. Immediately call the dentist as knocked out teeth should be placed back within 1 hour minimally.

3. Soft-tissue injuries: Injuries to the tongue, cheeks, gums, and lips, can result in bleeding. To control the bleeding, Rinse mouth with a salt-water solution, cover the site with a moistened piece of gauze or tea bag and Hold in place for 15 to 20 minutes, one can apply a cold compress to the outside of the mouth or cheek in the affected area for 5 to 10 minutes, If then also bleeding doesn't stop, see your dentist right away or go to a hospital emergency room.

   4. Abscess: when infections occur around the root of atooth or in the space between the teeth and gums termed as Abscesses. They can damage tissue and surrounding teeth.
See your dentist as soon as possible if you discover a pimple-like swelling on your gum. In the meantime, to ease the pain and try rinsing your mouth with a mild salt water solution several times a day.

5.  Swelling: Swelling is one of the more common dental emergencies, it’s never a good sign. It indicates you have a serious dental infection. If you are experiencing swelling, do not wait. Contact your dentist right away.

These are some of the dental emergencies that can occur to anyone. To avoid these, one should take extra care of their mouth and visit the dentist regularly for cleanings.


Tuesday 2 July 2019

Tooth or Dental Bonding: Procedure, Uses and Precaution

Dental Bonding: To improve a person’s smile, the dentist undergoes many cosmetic surgeries but a simple technique of dental bonding can be used to restore the beautiful smile. Dental bonding is a technique of repairing decayed, cracked, discolored teeth by applying a resin (Plastic) of the same color as of tooth. The method is also used for filling the space between the teeth and it can also change the shape of teeth. It is an easy way of the cosmetic dental procedure as it can be done in a single visit, unlike veneers. The resin used is polished and shaped just to match with the other tooth.
Procedure: First of all, the Dentist will rough or scratch the tooth surface and then applied a conditioner or bonding material on the tooth. Then the resin like plastic material is applied and molded in the desired shape of the tooth. The resin that is applied is liquid in nature; it is hardened by the laser light. After hardening, the material is trim, shaped and polished to match with the surroundings.
To maintain the beauty of the bonded teeth, a person should avoid smoking and drinking caffeine substances like tea, coffee because this resin material is stain resistant. It gat stained very easily. To avoid stain, one should brush twice a daily and visit the dentist for good oral health.
The disadvantage of using tooth bonding is that the material used can be a chip off easily while chewing nails, pens or any other hard substance. Thus, routine checkups are necessary for ensuring oral health hygiene and bonded tooth condition.