Monday 8 July 2019

Baby Teething: Some tips for soothing them

Well, it may be hard to watch your child facing that uncomfortable and pain stage of getting teeth. Not every child feel uneasiness and difficulty if your baby is feeling pain or appears to have uneasiness, read on for our basic tips on the best way to calm a teething infant.
1. Give something chilled to chew on
To calm a child from the teething problem, refrigerator-friendly teething toys can be used. Refrigerator friendly toys are used because chilliness of the toy can reduce pain and de-sensitize the nerves. Just chill the teethers before giving them to children so that they chew and get relief. Do not fridge the teethers as they become hard and can hurt the baby’s teeth.
2. Massaging the Baby’s Gum
The sore little teeth can be massaged with our fingers to relief their pain. Clean your hands before massaging so as to prevent any infection and then massage in a circular motion of the gums. This will surely help the child.
3. Wipe saliva away
Teething leads to drooling in children so as to prevent the irritation, use a soft cloth to wipe the drool from time to time to keep them clean and dry.
4. Peaceful Environment and hugs
Love and care in the form of hugs from the mother can comfort the teething child. The sleep in the peaceful environment also helps in comforting him from pain.
5. Pain killers
This should be your final retreat in the event that you've attempted. Counsel your specialist before falling back taking drugs. Try not to purchase over-the-counter pharmaceutical items for this. Painkillers, for example, Ibuprofen have exceptional, weakened recipes made especially for kids and infants. Additionally, counsel your pediatrician/ dentist first before giving any meds to your little one.

Saturday 6 July 2019

Sugar Craving: Some Foods that help in preventing it

Sugar cravings are very common, and in fact, females craved more for the sugar as compared to males. Those experiencing a sugar desire feel a powerful urge to eat sweet and may realize it tough to manage them around food. This can cause intake or over-consuming calories. Luckily, there are belongings you will do to require the sting off.

Here are some foods which can assist you to fight your sugar cravings:
1. Dark chocolate: chocolate is the most common food that people used when they have sugar cravings. But they should go for a better option like dark chocolate because it has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which contain less sugar.  

 2. Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are rich in soluble fiber which readily absorbs water and swells up in the gut in the form of a jelly which gives the feeling of filled stomach and reduces the sugar cravings. Chia seeds are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.

3. Chewing Gums: To curb the hunger for sugar, sugar-free chewing gums are best. They are made up of artificial sweeteners but contain less sugar and curb the cravings.


4. Yogurt: It is a high protein healthy diet which has natural added sugar to prevent sugar craving.

5. Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes will offer you with a sweet style and should facilitate keep you feeling full thus you won’t expertise sugar cravings later within the day.

6. Whole Grains: They are rich in nutrients including vitamin B, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese. They are also high in fiber thus keeping us full.

These are not the only foods that help in curbing the sugary needs of an individual. People crave for sugar because it helps in releases endorphins that calm and relax us.

Thursday 4 July 2019

5 common dental emergencies and their first aid


When something wrong happens in our mouth, it is the worse feeling in the world. The person suffering from mouth problem got frustrated as he is unable to eat and chew anything and it’s really difficult to examine it yourself. Any dental emergency like an injury to teeth and gum bleeding can cause serious issues if not take the dentist’s help on time. One can help alleviate their symptoms with some at-home first aid remedies.

The common dental emergencies and their first aid can be:

1.  Tooth Injury: if any tooth injury occurs due to falling off or an accident, teeth may get loose. In this case, immediately consult the dentist. In the meantime, rinse the mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to the outside of your mouth to stop the bleeding.

2. Knocked out teeth: If any teeth get knocked out, always hold it with the crown part. Never pick it up by roots. Clean it to remove the dirt. Try to put it back into the socket, if it is possible. Otherwise, keep it in a container of milk to retain the moisture. Immediately call the dentist as knocked out teeth should be placed back within 1 hour minimally.

3. Soft-tissue injuries: Injuries to the tongue, cheeks, gums, and lips, can result in bleeding. To control the bleeding, Rinse mouth with a salt-water solution, cover the site with a moistened piece of gauze or tea bag and Hold in place for 15 to 20 minutes, one can apply a cold compress to the outside of the mouth or cheek in the affected area for 5 to 10 minutes, If then also bleeding doesn't stop, see your dentist right away or go to a hospital emergency room.

   4. Abscess: when infections occur around the root of atooth or in the space between the teeth and gums termed as Abscesses. They can damage tissue and surrounding teeth.
See your dentist as soon as possible if you discover a pimple-like swelling on your gum. In the meantime, to ease the pain and try rinsing your mouth with a mild salt water solution several times a day.

5.  Swelling: Swelling is one of the more common dental emergencies, it’s never a good sign. It indicates you have a serious dental infection. If you are experiencing swelling, do not wait. Contact your dentist right away.

These are some of the dental emergencies that can occur to anyone. To avoid these, one should take extra care of their mouth and visit the dentist regularly for cleanings.


Tuesday 2 July 2019

Tooth or Dental Bonding: Procedure, Uses and Precaution

Dental Bonding: To improve a person’s smile, the dentist undergoes many cosmetic surgeries but a simple technique of dental bonding can be used to restore the beautiful smile. Dental bonding is a technique of repairing decayed, cracked, discolored teeth by applying a resin (Plastic) of the same color as of tooth. The method is also used for filling the space between the teeth and it can also change the shape of teeth. It is an easy way of the cosmetic dental procedure as it can be done in a single visit, unlike veneers. The resin used is polished and shaped just to match with the other tooth.
Procedure: First of all, the Dentist will rough or scratch the tooth surface and then applied a conditioner or bonding material on the tooth. Then the resin like plastic material is applied and molded in the desired shape of the tooth. The resin that is applied is liquid in nature; it is hardened by the laser light. After hardening, the material is trim, shaped and polished to match with the surroundings.
To maintain the beauty of the bonded teeth, a person should avoid smoking and drinking caffeine substances like tea, coffee because this resin material is stain resistant. It gat stained very easily. To avoid stain, one should brush twice a daily and visit the dentist for good oral health.
The disadvantage of using tooth bonding is that the material used can be a chip off easily while chewing nails, pens or any other hard substance. Thus, routine checkups are necessary for ensuring oral health hygiene and bonded tooth condition.

Sunday 30 June 2019

Expert opinion on how to keep plaque away by Dr Sachin mittal

Plaque!!!  A word we often hear from our dentist, but do we actually know what it is?
 Plaque is a sticky biofilm made up of thousands of bacteria occurring naturally. Whenever we eat food rich in sugar or carbohydrate content, these bacteria feed on them and produces an acidic by-product that harms our tooth enamel and form cavities.
Acc to Dr. Sachin Mittal, to keep the mouth free from these naturally occurring bacteria and to prevent cavities, one should follow some basic tips:
Tip 1: Brush twice a day, and if it is possible for you to brush, do it after every meal.
Tip 2: Flossing- Do floss once a day to remove particles of food and plaque from beyond the teeth.
Tip 3: Fluoride rich Mouthwash: Add a mouthwash to your oral health care kit as fluoride will reduce the number of bacteria and keep the enamel safe.
Tip 4: Chew Gum: Chewing is good for the oral cavity. Chew sugarless gum after every meal to stimulate the saliva production which in turn helps in neutralizing the acidic effect.
Tip 5: If you are suffering from plaque, you should avoid taking sugary and starchy items.
Tip 6: Smoking and Tobacco is bad for teeth. Avoid them.
Tip 7: If plaque is not getting removed through the above methods, then you should consult your dentist. Cleaning by a professional dentist will help you to get rid of plaque.

Friday 28 June 2019

Oral sedation Dentistry

You may have seen people suffering from toothache or dental problems but fear of going to the dentist. Why this situation occurs that people afraid to go for a dental appointment? It may be due to anxiety and fear of needles, injection, and tools that the dentist will use during the treatment that stops a patient from going.
To overcome the anxiety, certain drugs are given to the patient prior to treatment which makes him calm, relaxed and will not feel the pain during the procedure. This treatment is known as an oral sedation technique in dentistry. Dentists give a pill night before the appointment date or just a few hours before it. In the beginning, the patient can feel light headed but remains conscious during the procedure. He can feel the movements and can respond to the questions asked by the doctor.
Before going for oral sedatives, a dentist must know the medical history of the patient. He should know whether the patient is taking any other medication or suffering from health issues such as heart diseases, diabetes or high blood pressure.
Oral sedation method is quite effective and popular due to ease in administration. As only a pill has to take, patients get easily ready to take it. But as it is oral sedation, its level can’t be increased or decreased quickly and the patient requires an escort to drive back due to the effect of medication.

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Want healthy teeth? Avoid these food habits

The food and drinks that you have do not only play an important role in maintaining body health; it is quite significant for the health of gums and tissues in the mouth. Teeth also require a nutritional diet for a healthy mouth. You may be brushing your teeth, flossing regularly and visiting your dentist twice a year, but there are some of the food habits that one should avoid in order to have healthy teeth and gums.
1.       Acidic food and drinks: Vitamin C that is present in Citrus food and drinks like lemon, oranges, grapefruit when taken in excess amount, can erode the enamel and make teeth easy to decay. If you want to take them instead, always rinse your mouth afterward with water.
2.       Candies and sugary items: candies and toffees that is sticky in nature causes more damage to teeth as they stick to teeth for longer time and cause decay.
3.       White Bread: the white bread after chewing invites bacteria by sticking to the crevices of teeth. During chewing, the saliva changes starch of bread into sugar. This sticks to teeth and causes cavities.
4.       Soda Drinks: Soda drinks or carbonated drinks are acidic in nature and harmful for the gums and teeth. Excess of their consumption can lead to dry mouth, cavities, and discoloring of teeth.
5.       Ice: Ice seems to be very nice and you think it is totally fine to chew it because it’s all water. But it’s a great NO. Dentists recommend not chewing the ice as it is hard in nature and can cause chipped, cracked and loosened gums.
6.       Dried Fruits: Although they are termed as healthy snack but some of the dried fruits like apricots, prunes, figs, and raisins that are sticky in nature causes tooth decay when stuck into the crevices or corner of the teeth. It is advised to floss or brush the teeth after taking them.
7.       Chips: Loaded of starch that gets converted into sugar when getting mix with saliva. The sugar particles get trapped in teeth and cause plaque. Always rinse the mouth with water after having a bag of chips.
8.       Alcohol: Its consumption leads to dry mouth or less saliva. Less saliva means there will be no saliva to prevent food from sticking to your teeth and washes away food particles. Thus, this will cause infection and tooth decay.

Sunday 23 June 2019

Digital Smile Design: A way of getting new smile

Feeling proud of smile that we own to increase our self-confidence and make us feel proud of ourselves. But if we are not satisfied with our smile, we fear of meeting new people, taking pictures and facing others. With the advancement in technology, now it is possible to change the smile and get the way we want it. This technology is called Digital smile design. The treatment works with each patient’s unique need to give them the desired look. The procedure begins with a more advanced way to diagnose issues with the structural components within the mouth and jaw. DSD cosmetic dentistry gives a new look to face and smile. Every dentist is not able to do this procedure.
By understanding the benefits of this treatment can help you determine if it might be a good option for you.
1. Every person is unique and hence his/her smile too. Thus, DSD treatment is unique for every patient. Not every individual can fit in the same shoes.
2. When a person gets his/ her new smile according to their need and wants, their satisfaction level is high.
3. The new smile gives a natural look that complements the overall appearance.
4. The whole treatment plan is transparent. The patient is able to see his/ her smile transformation before their own eyes.


5. The DSD technique is such that anybody can take the benefit of it. Each individual patient’s mouth can be clearly visualized through the use of high-tech imaging, along with the latest in three-dimensional modeling.
If you want to change your smile or want to have a confident appearance, consult your nearest cosmetic dentist or experienced smile designer and schedule appointment for a new smile. 

Saturday 22 June 2019

Benefits of Dental Cleanings at regular interval


For maintenance of healthy gum and teeth, a regular dental check-up is necessary. Dental checkups not only keep our smile long lasting, but they also help in keeping germs and diseases away from us. Having good oral hygiene is important for general health. Everyone knew the significance of regular brushing and flossing but they are unaware of the regular dental cleaning importance. Thus, let’s discuss dental cleaning benefits:
1.  At dental cleaning time, professional will check your gums. He will measure the depth of the spaces between your teeth and gums. If the spaces are shallow, gums are healthy but with gum disease, the spaces may become deeper.
2.  Remove plaque and prevent cavities: The main reason behind the tooth decay is a plaque, if not taken care of can lead to cavities. At dental checkups, this plaque is removed with special tools to prevent the cavities.
3.  The dentist will help in removing stains that discolor the teeth by drinking tea, coffee, and alcohol; hence gives us a shining and brighter smile.
4.  Getting a cleaning regularly will keep your breath fresh and odor free.
5.  Regular dental cleanings will help in maintaining the overall health of the person. During the routine oral exam, early detection of many diseases can be done and preventive measures can be taken.
    You should have a regular dental visit at least twice a year or as recommended by your dental professional. This will give you good oral hygiene, prevent loose teeth and gum diseases.
To get all these advantages, contact your dentist today.

Thursday 20 June 2019

Expert opinion by Dr Sachin mittal for Dental care need during pregnancy

Maintaining good oral health is necessary for all. Being pregnant doesn’t mean that you will overlook your dental health, but it is more important to keep a check on it during this time. It’s a time to keep your oral health at check because if it is not taken into consideration, then it can affect child health too.
Some of the basic care tips given by Dr. Sachin Mittal are:
1. Pregnant women should eat a balanced diet and brush their teeth thoroughly after every meal to prevent any infection.
2. Your dentist should know that you are pregnant so that he can postpone elective dental procedures till delivery.
3. Rinse your mouth out with water or a mouth rinse if you have bouts of frequent vomiting.

4. Your dentist should know the other medications that the physician has prescribed you. It will be then easier for him to alter dental medicines according to the information.
5. Never skip dental health checkup appointment. Pay particular attention to any changes in your gums during pregnancy. If tenderness, bleeding or gum swelling occurs at any time during your pregnancy, talk to your dentist or periodontist as soon as possible.

Monday 17 June 2019

Periodontal Disease: Causes, types and preventive measures

Periodontal diseases are the diseases that are related to the teeth. Peri means ‘ around or peripheral ‘ and odontal means ‘ teeth’. Our teeth are supported by structures called gums, cementum, ligament, and bone. The inflammation or infections of these structures surrounding the teeth is termed as periodontal disease.
Now the question arises what causes Periodontal Disease?
We think that bacteria only live in our surrounding environment but it is not true. There is a number of bacteria that live in our mouth and they are the cause of periodontal disease. Bacteria along with mucus and other particles form a sticky substance called ‘Plaque’. If plaque is not treated on time, it forms in a hard substance called ‘Tartar’. Plaque can be formed on the teeth, between the teeth, and on gumline also. This deposition of dental plaque leads to the degradation of the tooth.
Other factors that can enhance the periodontal disease are smoking, diabetes, poor nutrition, stress, and improper brushing.
Types of Periodontal Disease:

Gingivitis:  It is an inflammatory condition characterized by redness and swelling of gums, bleeding of gums during brushing. This disease can be both severe and can persist for a long time if not treated early. It can result in inflammation of both gum and tissue surrounding the teeth.

Periodontitis: when inflammation reaches to the jaw bone of the teeth, causing severe degradation of the teeth is termed as periodontitis. Periodontitis can occur only after gingivitis. Plaque that formed releases certain enzymes that in return cause damage to the bone cells.

Prevention to Periodontal Disease:
Brush properly and daily to prevent plaque to deposit.
Flossing technique can help in removing plaque.
Avoid smoking, stress and take healthy diet to prevent tooth decay.

Visit dentist on a regular basis to keep teeth healthy.

Thursday 13 June 2019

Cosmetic Dentistry by Dr. Sachin mittal

Cosmetic dentistry, a term refers to the change in the smile by improving the appearance of gums and teeth. It focuses on improving the teeth color, shape, size and alignment. A dentist will be able to help you determine which one will work the best in brightening your smile. There are many procedures for doing cosmetic dentistry. It depends on each patient’s need and appearance.
Some basic procedures that include in cosmetic dentistry are:
1.      Cosmetic Teeth Whitening: to whiten the stained or discolored teeth, teeth whitening is the facility which is also called as ‘Teeth Bleaching’. People who have discolored or teeth having darker shade are supposed to undergo this technique. Not everyone’s teeth can be bleached. It is necessary to ask the dentist prior to undergoing whitening.


2.      Cosmetic Dental Implants: It’s a technique in which metal device made out of titanium is placed in the jawbone to replace the missing teeth. It acts as a support system which helps in anchoring artificial tooth.
3.      Teeth Reshaping: when the dentist removes or fill the enamel, to change the shape of the tooth is called Reshaping. It is used to alter the shape, size, and color of the teeth.


4.      Cosmetic Tooth Bonding: it is a process in which dental like material is applied to tooth’s surface which is sculpted according to other tooth shape and later on gets hardened and polished. This process is used in case of cracked and broken teeth to repair them.
5.      Dental Veneers: These are porcelain laminates that are bonded to the teeth. They are custom made. These are used to treat the crooked tooth, discolored teeth, chipped teeth or even to cover spaces in between the teeth.
6.      Dental Crowns: Crowns, also called caps, are tailor-made to fit over the whole tooth. They are usually made out of acrylic or porcelain that has been fused to metal to withstand biting pressure. Crowns can be used in cosmetic dentistry to treat teeth that are poorly shaped, badly decayed, broken, chipped, have had large fillings, or to cover spaces in between teeth.
What you have to change and how it will be changed, it is better to discuss with your dentist. He will prescribe you the best cosmetic dental procedure according to your needs. Consult the cosmetic dentist only, not every dentist is capable of doing these procedures.


Monday 10 June 2019

Oral cancer, a term not used much but it is one of the deadly cancer if not diagnosed early. Oral cancer is also known as mouth cancer. It is called mouth cancer as it affects the mouth area like lips, gum tissue, cheek lining or tongue. Basically it starts with a white patch and continues to grow as an ulcer. The basic symptoms of oral cancer can be:
1.       Ulcers or sores that do not heal
2.       Continuous swelling
3.       Red and white patches in the mouth
4.       Ear Pain
5.       Neck pain
6.       Pain during swallowing
According to dr sachin mittal, The major factor that causes oral cancer can be smoking and chewing tobacco, extreme sun exposure, HPV infection, Gastro-esophageal reflux disease and prior radiation.
The risk of mouth cancer is high in people who smoke, chew tobacco and paan. The lips and inner part of mouth is made up of thin, flat cells called Squamous cells. The mutation in the DNA of the cell causes the oral cancer. The healthy cells die and mutated cells grow to form tumor.
As soon as you came to know these symptoms, consult the doctor for proper diagnosis. The type and stage of cancer is known by physical examining and biopsy technique. A small tissue sample is taken and sent for laboratory testing in biopsy. 
Mouth cancer stages are indicated as Stage 1 to stage 4. A lower stage, indicates a smaller cancer confined to one area. A higher stage, such as stage IV, indicates a larger cancer, or that cancer has spread to other areas of the head or neck or to other areas of the body. The cancer's stage helps the doctor to determine treatment options.
To save your mouth from getting cancer, follow the preventive steps like quitting cigarettes, cigars, tobacco and alcohol. Eat healthy diet, minimize the sun exposure or apply sunscreen to the lips and avoid eating junk foods.
Make an appointment with dr  sachin mittal as early as possible, if you see such symptoms in your mouth.

Friday 19 April 2019

#Fixed_Braces Orthodontics, the division of dental care involved with the development of the tooth, oral cavity and face, is popular. Orthodontic treatment is about making the best of your teeth; it’s about helping the balance of the oral cavity area and oral cavity. Once you can chew together properly, you can eat more perfectly and care for your gum area and tooth more easily. And your grin will benefit immensely! #Dental_hisar #Dentist #Hospital #Haryana #Hisar #Doctors #Dental_Implant Address :- 6/46, Model Town, Delhi Road, Opp. Saini Sweets, Hisar (Haryana) 98124-68881

via Dr. Sachin Mittal's Advanced Dentistry - NABH Accredited

#Fixed_Braces Orthodontics, the division of dental care involved with the development of the tooth, oral cavity and face, is popular. Orthodontic treatment is about making the best of your teeth; it’s about helping the balance of the oral cavity area and oral cavity. Once you can chew together properly, you can eat more perfectly and care for your gum area and tooth more easily. And your grin will benefit immensely! #Dental_hisar #Dentist #Hospital #Haryana #Hisar #Doctors #Dental_Implant Address :- 6/46, Model Town, Delhi Road, Opp. Saini Sweets, Hisar (Haryana) 98124-68881

via Dr. Sachin Mittal's Advanced Dentistry - NABH Accredited