Wednesday 26 June 2019

Want healthy teeth? Avoid these food habits

The food and drinks that you have do not only play an important role in maintaining body health; it is quite significant for the health of gums and tissues in the mouth. Teeth also require a nutritional diet for a healthy mouth. You may be brushing your teeth, flossing regularly and visiting your dentist twice a year, but there are some of the food habits that one should avoid in order to have healthy teeth and gums.
1.       Acidic food and drinks: Vitamin C that is present in Citrus food and drinks like lemon, oranges, grapefruit when taken in excess amount, can erode the enamel and make teeth easy to decay. If you want to take them instead, always rinse your mouth afterward with water.
2.       Candies and sugary items: candies and toffees that is sticky in nature causes more damage to teeth as they stick to teeth for longer time and cause decay.
3.       White Bread: the white bread after chewing invites bacteria by sticking to the crevices of teeth. During chewing, the saliva changes starch of bread into sugar. This sticks to teeth and causes cavities.
4.       Soda Drinks: Soda drinks or carbonated drinks are acidic in nature and harmful for the gums and teeth. Excess of their consumption can lead to dry mouth, cavities, and discoloring of teeth.
5.       Ice: Ice seems to be very nice and you think it is totally fine to chew it because it’s all water. But it’s a great NO. Dentists recommend not chewing the ice as it is hard in nature and can cause chipped, cracked and loosened gums.
6.       Dried Fruits: Although they are termed as healthy snack but some of the dried fruits like apricots, prunes, figs, and raisins that are sticky in nature causes tooth decay when stuck into the crevices or corner of the teeth. It is advised to floss or brush the teeth after taking them.
7.       Chips: Loaded of starch that gets converted into sugar when getting mix with saliva. The sugar particles get trapped in teeth and cause plaque. Always rinse the mouth with water after having a bag of chips.
8.       Alcohol: Its consumption leads to dry mouth or less saliva. Less saliva means there will be no saliva to prevent food from sticking to your teeth and washes away food particles. Thus, this will cause infection and tooth decay.

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